Text Acronyms - Horizons Specialist Academy Trust
The Department for Education has released a Parent and Carers information guide on text code to watch out for.
Secretary of State for Education and Minister for Women and Equalities Nicky Morgan said it was crucial that parents were educated on how to keep their children safe online.
Below is a list of acronyms used by children and teenagers online. Becoming familiar with these terms could help keep your children safe whilst on the internet.
GNOC - Get naked on camera
ASL - Age, sex, location
IWSN - I want sex now
LMIRL - Let's meet in real life
IRL - in real life
RU/18 - are you over 18?
WYRN - what's your real name?
Zerg - to gang up on somebody
POS - Parents over shoulder
PAL - Parents are listening
KPC - Keep parents clueless
P999 - Parent alert
MOOS - member of the opposite sex
420 - Marijuana
143 - I love you
183 - I hate you
CYT - See you tomorrow